
October 21, 2010


I was looking over my blog, and decided to remove a couple of sites I follow.  I do still follow them, but it doesn't really represent who I am, and so they had to go.  The M.ormon sites I eliminated, I like them, but it is so not me, that I didn't really want to show it as something that's important to me.
I'm still searching - after all these years - for that, funny really.
I'll have to run pick up children in a few minutes.
I do want to mention, that I left a comment on 'flossie teacakes', she asked for comments, and I said something about not liking the japanese patterns so much, because they reminded me too much of the patterns my mother used.  The ones printed all on one big page in different colors and patterns, it looked like a big jumble on the printed page - do you remember them from your childhood?  If you grew up in Europe, you will.  In the US, your mom would have used Butterick, Simplicity, etc., and she would have had patterns all single, on tissue paper with seam allowances. Anyway, Flossie's comment back was that she thought the Japanese patterns were unique and she had no idea that they were used elsewhere like that.

Then those patterns where copied on newspaper with the little wheel with the teeth, then carefully cut out with scissors, and then 'don't forget the seam allowances!'

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