
February 2, 2011

The Ice Storm commeth

Well, the above is the title of a show that was on Broadway, a long time ago.  And I just saw that I'm not very original with that title.  It's being used in just about every newspaper that is covering the storm here in the Northeast.
Home again today.
No driving, the schools are closed all over the place.  No NJ buses, some trains are suspended, flights are cancelled, it's a mess.  And I am NOT putting my body in the middle of it.  No, sirree babadoo, staying in.
All those projects I've been procrastinating on can be worked on.  Or not.
I have enough food, the electricity is working so far, I have heat, I'm fine.
Yesterday I put my trusty camera on a tripod and came up with this:
My beloved Amaryllis

This one grew out of an offshoot of one of the others, I've been nourishing it for years, it's finally blooming.
I made my own 'cakes' for the birds yesterday.  I like the suet cakes, they are a little more squirrel proof.  But all the stores were out of them.  So I bought some cheap shortening at Walmart, melted it in a pot, and added seeds.  I then put the mix in shallow bowls, stuck them in the freezer for a little while, and was able to just pop them out.  And the birds love them!

Correction:  I just remembered the show was called 'The Ice Man commeth'.


  1. The flower off shoot is gorgeous. TLC from you paid off. Glad you stayed home and out of the mess. The birds know where to come for their TLC too:) Spring is...somewhere.

  2. Deine Amaryllis sind eine Augenweide.
    Danke für diesen Augenschmaus.
    Es geht durch die Nachrichten: Blitzeis in Deutschland, in der Nacht zu gestern in NRW 371 Unfälle, in USA ein Wahnsinns-Schneesturm, über Australien-Queensland dieser Wahnsinns-Sturm.
    Keine Ruhe auf der Erde.
    Aber dein Service für die Vögel und auch das Einchhörnchen ist erste Sahne.
    Gut, dass der Strom da ist, dass es dir gut geht. Ich freu mich so, von dir zu lesen.
