
November 1, 2011

No power, no Internet, no TV, no hot shower

Well, the title says it all.  The last post was happily written minutes before it made 'pfffff', and the power was off.  That was Saturday afternoon.  No power since, winter temperatures, no - see above - power for anything, and this is the first time since Saturday I'm able to check my email at my daughter's house.

Saturday to Sunday night we spent at home, hoping against hope the power would be restored.  Of course we had no clue how bad it was around us.  Trees down, tree limbs down, branches on power cables, on cable TV cables, and no warning signs, roads that are impassible in the middle of the journey, it's lovely.  The highways are clear, it's all the other streets.
Pockets of power, the Quick Check store in our town has power, so does the fire house next door, but the rest of the town is a ghost town.  No hotel room to be had, they are all booked.

We are mooching off friends, (actually we were cordially invited by friends) spending the nights at their (heated!  hot water!  showers!) house, and are having dinner with Matthew and Jessica and parents today.  Schools are closed.  Halloween was cancelled.  Halloween was cancelled!!  in America!!  Really.  They asked the children to postpone it until Friday, since there was just too much going on, no one in dark houses, no street lights, no traffic lights, branches down one could trip over in the dark, and wires down, possibly live.

We are trying to find a generator (no more living in the house without a back-up generator!), but none to be had in the Tri-State area.  In Connecticut the power is out in most of the state.

We are all right.  Healthy, clean (thanks to borrowed showers), laughing at it all, because how else are you going to make it through something like this.

I did get to see two little boys I adore, and I got to be their chasing-them-through-the-house-Oma.

I haven't heard from the MD branch of the family yet, I don't even know if they were hit by this storm.
But we're fine, and thank you for all your well-wishes, we even stopped by the house yesterday, first of all to check if we have power, secondly to get rid of some of the debris in the yard.
I'll keep you posted!

PS - 9 PM, I'm in front of the TV at home on our couch, showered, happy, warm and tired.  The power came on early this evening, and we walked in on a house that was welcoming us by warming up.


  1. ohje ruth! bei uns ist es mild, weisst du sicherlich schon, und bei euch so ein chaos! schön zu hören, dass der strom wieder da ist und soooo schön solchen tollen freunde und familie zu haben! K&D

  2. Ich hab so an dich gedacht, als ich das in den Nachrichten gesehen habe. Gut, wenn es allen gut geht und ihr wieder einen warmen "Hintern" habt.

  3. I've wondered about you....crazy weather! Glad you had somewhere to go and are now back home safe. We have snow coming this weekend but nothing like what your end of the country has had. Know what else I thought of? I'm glad you didn't go through it alone. Glad you had someone to cuddle up and get warm again:) Keep safe and warm....

  4. Oh, so gut zu hören, dass der Albtraum vorbei ist!
    Hier im Dorf war ein bisschen Halloween-Trubel bei beinahe T-Shirt-Temperaturen... die Kinder bei Euch holen das sicher am Freitag nach.
    LG Anne

  5. Also hat es euch doch noch erwischt.
    Und ich hatte so sehr gehofft, dass diese Misere an euch vorbeigeht.
    Wie gut, dass ihr nicht so weit auseinanderwohnt und mehr oder weniger leicht zu euren Lieben kommen konntet.
    Aber Halloween ausgefallen und das in Amerika, nicht vorzustellen.
    In New York hatten sie aber die große Parade, haben sie bei uns im Fernsehen gezeigt.
    Liebe Ruth, wie gut, dass ihr wieder Power habt, für alles, was man so braucht im Leben.
