
April 4, 2012

Catch up

Catching up with all of you - I think I'm falling way behind.
Time just moves fast!  Jessica went back to gymnastics today after a few weeks off, she over-extended her elbow, in other words, she popped it out.  She is doing better, and enjoying going back.
Her mother is in Dallas, TX, on business, and there were two tornadoes today in that area.
 My son and his wife got a new dog, a puppy at three months old.
My other daughter and family might have found a house they like to move into.
My brother is getting a new bladder tomorrow, big, big operation and I'm thinking of him, and despite all assurances that everything should go fine, I worry about him.

Our time in Atlanta was very nice.  The area is gorgeous, reminded me of the places I've been living, rolling hills, greenery, yes, I could live there too.

We spent time with family, and it was lovely.  The hostess really went out of her way to make the time enjoyable, and cooked like a champ!

We were close to the beginning of the Appalachian Trail - within 8 miles of the start.  And we saw a lot of folks hiking the approach to it, one guy in a kilt!
The backpackers are on the way to the Appalachian Trail, which runs from Georgia to Maine and is over 2,000 miles long.  How long they'll hike?  I have no idea.
and here is the reason we and a lot of other people where there:

 The view from the top
 the only way to get the water fall in one photo from our steep hike to the top

 The kids exploring the brook
 so you get some idea how steep the climb was
and I know at least a few of you will want to see the plants, this is a trillium (forgot what kind)
 ... and to prove we were really there, here is M.
and this is interesting, it's the first time I've seen mistletoe in the trees in the States since I've been here.


  1. Liebe Ruth,
    immer wieder gern lese (und sehe!) ich die Berichte über Ihre 'outdoor'-Entdeckungen in meinem Lieblings-Urlaubsland.
    Falls Sie es noch nicht kennen: mein Lesetipp zum Appalachian Trail ist Bill Brysons "A Walk in the Woods" (deutsch "Picknick mit Bären").
    Gute Zeit!

  2. Wow, I need to do some catching up myself...of what you've been doing without me:) So awesome that you get to go to so many places and do so much. And that you like to take pictures! I'll check back soon as my world stops spinning so fast...happens to me too:) xoxox

  3. An Anne: ja, das Buch hab ich vor Jahren mit Vergnuegen (zum Teil) gelesen. Und laut M. werden wir den Versuch machen den Trail zu wandernnach unserem in-Rente-gehen. Hmmm, mal sehen, was draus wird.
