
April 8, 2012


Was everyone's Easter a good one?  I hope so!
My little brother is operated on, and is doing fine.  I think if he reads this, he'll scoff at my writing 'fine', but he will be.  I'm sure he is in pain now, and wishing everyone would just get it.  But he is alive, and will be well, and I'm looking forward to hugging him whenever our lives get us together - hopefully sooner than later.
I am in touch with him, and so glad we have the opportunity to do that - via e-mail or chat, it doesn't matter.  He sent me a picture of himself yesterday, and he looks great.  It's totally comforting to look at him, and see him.  And, on an aside, my daughter mentioned today that we totally look alike.  Which I never, ever heard before, but that also is terrific!

We took Friday off.  And painted the living room ceiling.  Saturday we went hiking, again in Harriman State Park, and we both missed hiking there.  What a beautiful spot!  We hiked a trail I remembered hiking last year, it goes up and up, and then across rocks, and on the mountain ridge, where the wind was blowing hard.  The woods are starting to wake up, some trees bloomed, and some tender green sprouts are starting to show.
Lots of folks had the same idea, the parking area was full, we ran into a few, but were alone for most of the hike.
Then home, and cooking.  We were invited for Easter, but we wanted to bring some things home-made.  So we made and colored Easter-eggs like I saw on Posie gets cozy  and the ones M. made look like Posie's, but alas, the ones I did weren't tied tight enough, and came out kind of washed out.

We made a platter of deviled eggs, and put them on a platter around said eggs:
bit hit.  Would you believe, four-year-old Jackson went for the carrots?!  

We also made a Boston Cream Pie, which was great.  I wimped out and got a box cake, but made the filling and topping from scratch.  We went to church, had an egg hunt for the little ones, played in the sunshine, and were with family.  What could be better?!


  1. Those eggs are beautiful Ruth! Are they the eggs you showed a couple of posts ago? Tell M he's so cool:) Glad you spent the day with those who love you...I did too and you're right...what more could we ask for:) Enjoy your week my friend and know I'm thinking of you...

  2. Deinem Bruder weiter gute Besserung.
    Am Karfreitag hatten wohl alle frei, dass sie in dem Park waren. Gut, dass ihr ja weiter lauft als die meisten, so wart ihr doch unter euch.
    Das schaut ja lecker aus, was ihr da eiriges gemacht habt. Meine Tochter hat in dem Alter auch alles genommen, so auch diese Möhren, garantiert. Eine Nachbarin bereitete ein spanisches Gericht vor, und schnitt auch Knoblauch klein. Unsere Tochter dachte,es seien Zwiebeln, packte zu und aß das Zeugs. Die Nachbarin wollte es aus ihrem Mund angeln. Aber unsere Kleine gab nichts ab.... So stank sie dann erbärmlich, lach.
    Bei uns in der Kirche, in der Osternacht, war es schön voll.
    Am Ostermontag haben wir mit dem Chor gesungen.
    Liebe Grüße über den großen Teich
