
January 22, 2012

Snow hiking

Yesterday we had snow - about 5 - 6 inches.  After shoveling around the cars in the front, we gave up and asked someone with a plow if he'd come by and plow us out.  Yes, he did.

Rest of the day - not doing much.

Today we had a wonderful surprise, we got a visit from Nicole, Greg, Jackson and Evan.  How cool!  I loved seeing them, loved hugging the boys, chatting, having a cup of coffee.  The were supposed to have gone to her grandfather's 95th birthday party in RI, they tried, but the snow storm yesterday morning made the trip too dangerous and it would have been too long.  
I was so glad to hear they gave up and turned around to go back home, I was worried.
The other family went, albeit the night before.  Smart decision!

We did go for a smallish hike after our visitors left.  To the Hawk Watch again, but not off the road, none of the trails were walked on, and it was too cold to blaze a trail - 27 degrees F.

We did remember to bring some bird food, and after we put it on the ground, we did have a group of birds coming for dinner.  
 Trudging though the snow, but almost there
 can never get enough of the view
 ta-da!  (my hero)
 Mansion in the distance.  So an 1980's thing.... Looks like it's all by itself, which is deceiving.
 Nut hatch?  I don't remember
I think this is a titmouse, but maybe not
(refresher course for birds, I promise to be better)
And for next time I have the red-headed woodpecker, which is gorgeous, but was shy.

1 comment:

  1. Boah, was für ein toller Spaziergang durch den Schnee.
    Bei uns soll es endlich auch unter 0 Grad werden, und weit darunter....
    Dabei blüht schon so vieles, die Krokusse blühen schon, sogar Kamelien. Aber die wurde heute wieder verpackt. Denn ab morgen wirds hier kalt, kalt, kälter, eiskalt.
