
January 15, 2013

Babysitting Tuesday

Today is Tuesday, and we are supposed to get snow sometime during the evening or night.
The weekend went fast, we went to Rhode Island in the fog and dark on Friday afternoon, spent the night in a hotel and visited the 96-year-old birthday boy on Saturday, at my former inlaws house.  With my two daughters and their families we bring the party to wherever we're going!

It was fun and everyone enjoyed it.  My former sil was nice enough to share some sour dough starter that she has has for 30 plus years, and was over 100 years old when she got it.  It is milk, flour, and sugar fed, and I can't wait to try it out.

Sunday?  Working around the house, grocery shopping....

It was nice spending time with the children.  The baby feels so soft and sweet, he has the cutest hair tufts sticking up on the top of his head!  The boys lined up on the couch, all three of them using an ipad, from the two and a half year old to the 10 year old.  Jessica showed her great grandfather some of the gymnastic moves, and the baby was admired all around.
 The 96-year-old birthday boy with his crown
 yes, we wore party hats
 part of the group
 Andrew meeting his great-grandfather
And Matthew and Jessica with their great-grandfather


  1. Liebe Ruth,

    einfach schön, wieder von Dir zu hören!

    LG aus dem verschneiten Süddeutschland - Sigrid

  2. Oha, ein Krone auf dem Kopf. Schaut ja schon ein wenig strange aus, lach.
    Sowas gibt es hier nicht.
    Aber 96 Jahre, ein stolzes Alter.
    War er dein Schwiegervater?
    Wie schön, dass das Baby so proper und gesund ist.
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem verschneiten Ruhrgebiet
    deine Bärbel

  3. er ist echt noch fit dein ex-schwiegervater, wow! hut ab! und man, ich will auch sonntags grocery shopping gehen!! warum geht das hier denn nicht??? ansonsten seht ihr zwei frischvermählten guuuut aus! naja, ist ja jetzt auch schon sozusagen drei monate her und immer noch sieht man die herzchen fliegen... :-))) K&D von und dreien!
