We didn't see a lot. Went by work, no power.
October 31, 2012
Out to see what's going on
Nothing new to report, you out there know more about our corner of the world than we do. Still no tv or internet, just radio, which just doesn't do it.
We're going to check on work now, and I'll report back.
October 30, 2012
Post Sandy
We're fine, have heat and power. The girls and families as well, they even have cable, which we do not. My little brothers had to call from Germany to give me updates on our news. Funny!
We drove around a little bit and saw a lot of downed trees, most every one away from the houses.
I'm the typing on my mobile, see cable out.
October 29, 2012
Update - Hurricane - Sandy
Noon time ----
Quick update. It just started raining. Wind gusts we've had all morning.
The Governor of NJ is on TV giving further warnings, especially warnings about people staying on the coast. He called them 'stupid' for staying.
We went out to try to find dry ice - none found - and to get a battery powered radio. Just in case. We have batteries for flash lights, candles, made coffee for the thermos, what else -- oh, got more bread. Only Walmart was open, the mall, B.est Buy was closed,
Atlantic City is the expected place for landfall.
We're eating chocolate chip cookies after lunch and drinking coffee.
Then back to Christmas quilting for me - more later
Mittagszeit ----
Einen schnellen update, es fing gerade an zu regnen. Wind hatten wir ab und zu den ganzen Morgen.
Der Governor von NJ war gerade im TV und gab weitere Warnungen, updates, speziel Warnungen an die Leute, die sich weigern, ihre Haeuser am Strand zu verlassen. Er nannte sie 'stupid'.
Wir fuhren heute morgen auf eine Suche nach 'dry ice' - nichts gefunden - und um ein Radio, dass mit Batterien funktioniert, zu kaufen. Wir haben Batterien fuer Taschenlampen, Kerzen, ich machte Kaffee fuer die Thermoskanne, und oh, wir kauften noch Brot. Nur Wa.lmart war offen, die Mall, usw., alles geschlossen.
So, ich will noch etwas an Weihnachtsgeschenken arbeiten, wir sitzen aber noch und trinken unseren Kaffee.
Bis spaeter!
Quick update. It just started raining. Wind gusts we've had all morning.
The Governor of NJ is on TV giving further warnings, especially warnings about people staying on the coast. He called them 'stupid' for staying.
We went out to try to find dry ice - none found - and to get a battery powered radio. Just in case. We have batteries for flash lights, candles, made coffee for the thermos, what else -- oh, got more bread. Only Walmart was open, the mall, B.est Buy was closed,
Atlantic City is the expected place for landfall.
We're eating chocolate chip cookies after lunch and drinking coffee.
Then back to Christmas quilting for me - more later
Mittagszeit ----
Einen schnellen update, es fing gerade an zu regnen. Wind hatten wir ab und zu den ganzen Morgen.
Der Governor von NJ war gerade im TV und gab weitere Warnungen, updates, speziel Warnungen an die Leute, die sich weigern, ihre Haeuser am Strand zu verlassen. Er nannte sie 'stupid'.
Wir fuhren heute morgen auf eine Suche nach 'dry ice' - nichts gefunden - und um ein Radio, dass mit Batterien funktioniert, zu kaufen. Wir haben Batterien fuer Taschenlampen, Kerzen, ich machte Kaffee fuer die Thermoskanne, und oh, wir kauften noch Brot. Nur Wa.lmart war offen, die Mall, usw., alles geschlossen.
So, ich will noch etwas an Weihnachtsgeschenken arbeiten, wir sitzen aber noch und trinken unseren Kaffee.
Bis spaeter!
More storm news
Well, Monday morning finds us still in bed watching a bad Arnold S. movie. Something about South America and drugs, and terrorism.... the usual mayhem.
The news is full of storm news, but so far the storm has not made landfall. Here - no rain, no hail, a little bit of wind.
The schools are all closed, the NYC subway system is shut down, and a lot of areas are evacuated/under order to evacuate. Expected are huge power failures, which we hope will not come true - we like our movies, TV, Internet, phone, laptop, etc. And of course hot food.
I will be quilting today (pst, Christmas present), as long as the power holds out. The tides already pushed the water over the usual limits, and worse is supposedly coming.
That's my update for now, I'm going off to get my second cup of coffee.
The news is full of storm news, but so far the storm has not made landfall. Here - no rain, no hail, a little bit of wind.
The schools are all closed, the NYC subway system is shut down, and a lot of areas are evacuated/under order to evacuate. Expected are huge power failures, which we hope will not come true - we like our movies, TV, Internet, phone, laptop, etc. And of course hot food.
I will be quilting today (pst, Christmas present), as long as the power holds out. The tides already pushed the water over the usual limits, and worse is supposedly coming.
That's my update for now, I'm going off to get my second cup of coffee.
October 28, 2012
The expected Storm
Yes, big anticipation. The news are full of reports on the status of the storm, the expected landfall, the severity, the length, the expected amount of rain, I think the reporters/news would love to know the outcome, so they could tell us how bad it was!
Anyway, the news is on on all channels, and all of them have the warnings, the evacuation plans, the possible tidal wave heights, the report about the full moon and the full moon making it worse. The warnings, the Garden State Parkway North is not charging any tolls, the possibility of the subway flooding, the very real possibility of electricity failing for possibly as long as a week, I'm telling you, folks, we get ALL the information!
What are we doing? I just baked chocolate chip cookies. We have water, batteries, the cars are tanked full, the freezers are full, and besides that, we live on a hill. Yes, we will feel the wind, get the rain, but it shouldn't be too bad where we are.
We went to church this morning, and watched Jessica get her bible. She had invited us to come. And we sang 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott', of course the English version which is 'A mighty fortress is our God'.
Which reminded me that my Dad used to walk around the house around this time singing it on the top of his lungs, and that Reformation Day is on the 31st of October. Anyone remember going to church then? And not even knowing about Halloween?
Photos? None today.
I'll update you as soon as I can, at the moment we're all anticipation.....
Ja, eine grosse Erwartung auf den kommenden Sturm. Die Nachrichten sind voller Tipps, Evakuirungsplanen, Erwartungen, Schaetzungen wie hoch die Flutwellen sein koennten, die durch den Vollmond noch vergroessert werden.... usw. Ich glaube, wenn es den Nachrichtenleuten moeglich waere, zu berichten, wie schlimm es war, wuerden sie es voll tun!
Was machen wir? Ich habe gerade Chocolate Chip Cookies gebacken. Wir haben Wasser, Batterien, Katzenfutter, die Gefrierfaecher sind voll, wir sind unsere Handies am aufladen, den laptop genauso. Ja, es faengt and windig zu werden, und jetzt heisst es abwarten was kommt.
Wir gingen heute morgen zum Gottesdienst, Jessica hatte uns eingeladen, sie bekam heute ihre Bibel. Wir saangen 'Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott', wobei ich voll mitschmettern konnte, leider fiel mir der ganze deutsche Text nicht mehr ein (ich googlete es). Und es erinnerte mich an meinen Vadder, der um die Jaahreszeit das Lied laut schmetternd durchs Haus ging. Und daran, dass am 31. Oktober Reformationstag ist, und wir damals an dem Tag zur Kirche gingen, und kein Mensch ueberhaupt wusste, dass Halloween existiert. Erinnert sich jemand daran?
Fotos? Heute mal keine.
Anyway, the news is on on all channels, and all of them have the warnings, the evacuation plans, the possible tidal wave heights, the report about the full moon and the full moon making it worse. The warnings, the Garden State Parkway North is not charging any tolls, the possibility of the subway flooding, the very real possibility of electricity failing for possibly as long as a week, I'm telling you, folks, we get ALL the information!
What are we doing? I just baked chocolate chip cookies. We have water, batteries, the cars are tanked full, the freezers are full, and besides that, we live on a hill. Yes, we will feel the wind, get the rain, but it shouldn't be too bad where we are.
We went to church this morning, and watched Jessica get her bible. She had invited us to come. And we sang 'Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott', of course the English version which is 'A mighty fortress is our God'.
Which reminded me that my Dad used to walk around the house around this time singing it on the top of his lungs, and that Reformation Day is on the 31st of October. Anyone remember going to church then? And not even knowing about Halloween?
Photos? None today.
I'll update you as soon as I can, at the moment we're all anticipation.....
Ja, eine grosse Erwartung auf den kommenden Sturm. Die Nachrichten sind voller Tipps, Evakuirungsplanen, Erwartungen, Schaetzungen wie hoch die Flutwellen sein koennten, die durch den Vollmond noch vergroessert werden.... usw. Ich glaube, wenn es den Nachrichtenleuten moeglich waere, zu berichten, wie schlimm es war, wuerden sie es voll tun!
Was machen wir? Ich habe gerade Chocolate Chip Cookies gebacken. Wir haben Wasser, Batterien, Katzenfutter, die Gefrierfaecher sind voll, wir sind unsere Handies am aufladen, den laptop genauso. Ja, es faengt and windig zu werden, und jetzt heisst es abwarten was kommt.
Wir gingen heute morgen zum Gottesdienst, Jessica hatte uns eingeladen, sie bekam heute ihre Bibel. Wir saangen 'Ein Feste Burg ist unser Gott', wobei ich voll mitschmettern konnte, leider fiel mir der ganze deutsche Text nicht mehr ein (ich googlete es). Und es erinnerte mich an meinen Vadder, der um die Jaahreszeit das Lied laut schmetternd durchs Haus ging. Und daran, dass am 31. Oktober Reformationstag ist, und wir damals an dem Tag zur Kirche gingen, und kein Mensch ueberhaupt wusste, dass Halloween existiert. Erinnert sich jemand daran?
Fotos? Heute mal keine.
October 24, 2012
Five hundredth post!
Really, today is my 500th post!
Other than that, I have nothing. I will stop speaking to my English readers now - don't worry, I'll be back, and no, I'm not mad at you, I just neglected my German readers.
So please excuse me for a bit! I promise I will show more photos (of our by now over and over again pictures of our hikes).
Liebe Leser!
Ich entschuldige mich, dass ich bei den letzten Posts Euch total vernachlaessigt habe. Aber wie Ihr erraten habt, waren die letzten paar Wochen ziemlich vollgepackt. Ja, wir haben (in englisch) geheiratet, mit der Familie gefeiert, wie ja aus den Fotos ersichtlich war. Ich habe mich riesig ueber all die Glueckwuensche gefreut, und bedanke mich ganz herzlich. Auch ueber die Instagram Wuensche und den virtuellen Reis, der geworfen wurde!
Seitdem waren wir in New York, sahen die Columbus Day Parade, und wanderten an den letzten Wochenenden, da der Herbst so wunderschoen ist.
Weiter gibt es eigentlich nicht sehr viel zu berichten, ich geniesse unsere Zweisamkeit sehr, und freue mich ueber jeden schoenen Tag der uns beschert wird. Und besonders schoene Tage haben wir ja jetzt im Herbst. Selbst wenn es regnet, scheinen die Farben durch.
Unser Baer meldete sich zweimal seit der Hochzeit, einmal hoerten wir ihn die Muelltonne umwerfen, und es gelang uns auch, ihn aus der Kuechentuer zu sehen, aber fotografieren liess er sich nicht, er holte sich die Muelltonne, und zog sie in Nachbars Buesche. Aber gross ist er! Ein wahrer Riese.
Nein, Angst habe ich nicht, das fiel mir bei unserer Begegnung einfach nicht ein, ich wollte halt nur vorsichtig sein, und zog mich wieder ins Haus zurueck, wo der Mann mit der Pistole (im Halter) war. Der auch prompt nach dem Baer schaute (ohne Pistole), und sich dann achselzuckend wieder umdrehte und seinen Kram machte.
Wenn es Fotos von dem Baer gibt, werde ich sie natuerlich mit Euch teilen!
Naechste Woche geht es hoch nach 'upstate' New York, die Kinder schenkten uns ein langes Wochenende in einem Inn, mit See, und Wanderwegen, und Kajaks, worauf wir uns schon freuen.
Ansonsten, hier sind Waldbilder:
Oh, und das ist mein fuenfhunderster Post!
Other than that, I have nothing. I will stop speaking to my English readers now - don't worry, I'll be back, and no, I'm not mad at you, I just neglected my German readers.
So please excuse me for a bit! I promise I will show more photos (of our by now over and over again pictures of our hikes).
Liebe Leser!
Ich entschuldige mich, dass ich bei den letzten Posts Euch total vernachlaessigt habe. Aber wie Ihr erraten habt, waren die letzten paar Wochen ziemlich vollgepackt. Ja, wir haben (in englisch) geheiratet, mit der Familie gefeiert, wie ja aus den Fotos ersichtlich war. Ich habe mich riesig ueber all die Glueckwuensche gefreut, und bedanke mich ganz herzlich. Auch ueber die Instagram Wuensche und den virtuellen Reis, der geworfen wurde!
Seitdem waren wir in New York, sahen die Columbus Day Parade, und wanderten an den letzten Wochenenden, da der Herbst so wunderschoen ist.
Weiter gibt es eigentlich nicht sehr viel zu berichten, ich geniesse unsere Zweisamkeit sehr, und freue mich ueber jeden schoenen Tag der uns beschert wird. Und besonders schoene Tage haben wir ja jetzt im Herbst. Selbst wenn es regnet, scheinen die Farben durch.
Unser Baer meldete sich zweimal seit der Hochzeit, einmal hoerten wir ihn die Muelltonne umwerfen, und es gelang uns auch, ihn aus der Kuechentuer zu sehen, aber fotografieren liess er sich nicht, er holte sich die Muelltonne, und zog sie in Nachbars Buesche. Aber gross ist er! Ein wahrer Riese.
Nein, Angst habe ich nicht, das fiel mir bei unserer Begegnung einfach nicht ein, ich wollte halt nur vorsichtig sein, und zog mich wieder ins Haus zurueck, wo der Mann mit der Pistole (im Halter) war. Der auch prompt nach dem Baer schaute (ohne Pistole), und sich dann achselzuckend wieder umdrehte und seinen Kram machte.
Wenn es Fotos von dem Baer gibt, werde ich sie natuerlich mit Euch teilen!
Naechste Woche geht es hoch nach 'upstate' New York, die Kinder schenkten uns ein langes Wochenende in einem Inn, mit See, und Wanderwegen, und Kajaks, worauf wir uns schon freuen.
Ansonsten, hier sind Waldbilder:
Oh, und das ist mein fuenfhunderster Post!
Wochenende, Sonntag nach der Hochzeit, mit M's Schwestern im Wald
Wie kam das Auto in den Wald?
Burning Busch
Hudson River
And this is all for today!
October 14, 2012
Post wedding
Lovely days we had after the wedding. Some relatives stayed until Monday, the last ones to leave were Michael's daughter and granddaughter.
Michael's brother-in-law was parked in front of our house early in the morning, he was there before we got up. He wanted to get a picture of the bear. He's heard from a neighbor that the bear comes around just about every day. There he was, and it was a chilly day, staked out in front of the neighbor's house, Michael took pity on him at some point and hung out with him for a bit. I decided to see what they were doing, opened the front door, stepped outside and looked to the left, where the bear was rummaging through our garbage. He was maybe 15 to 20 feet (about 10 m) away from me. No, I was too surprised to be afraid, besides, bears are very afraid of people.
I did decide to go back in the house to be on the safe side, and only after a couple of minutes did I go to the guys and told them about the missed photo opportunity.
Sunday the out-of-towners came over for breakfast, we visited some more, and after my son and family left, the rest of us took a walk, you guessed it, up to Hawk Watch, which everyone just goes 'Oh, wow!' when stepping to the open.
And Monday we went to New York with Michael's daughter and granddaughter. We'd forgotten it was Columbus Day and had to weave back and forth across 5th Ave. to avoid the parade. We visited the American Doll Store, and tried to get into Serendipity for ice cream, but with 1 hour wait we opted to go back to Dylan's Candy store and had our ice cream there.
We went hiking, both yesterday and today despite a cold that's making me somewhat miserable.
Michael's brother-in-law was parked in front of our house early in the morning, he was there before we got up. He wanted to get a picture of the bear. He's heard from a neighbor that the bear comes around just about every day. There he was, and it was a chilly day, staked out in front of the neighbor's house, Michael took pity on him at some point and hung out with him for a bit. I decided to see what they were doing, opened the front door, stepped outside and looked to the left, where the bear was rummaging through our garbage. He was maybe 15 to 20 feet (about 10 m) away from me. No, I was too surprised to be afraid, besides, bears are very afraid of people.
I did decide to go back in the house to be on the safe side, and only after a couple of minutes did I go to the guys and told them about the missed photo opportunity.
Sunday the out-of-towners came over for breakfast, we visited some more, and after my son and family left, the rest of us took a walk, you guessed it, up to Hawk Watch, which everyone just goes 'Oh, wow!' when stepping to the open.
And Monday we went to New York with Michael's daughter and granddaughter. We'd forgotten it was Columbus Day and had to weave back and forth across 5th Ave. to avoid the parade. We visited the American Doll Store, and tried to get into Serendipity for ice cream, but with 1 hour wait we opted to go back to Dylan's Candy store and had our ice cream there.
Grandpa gives piggy back rides
The parade in front of Rockefeller Center
In Dylan's Candy Store (3 stories of candy, I'm not kidding!)
This weekend - Fall, and the most brilliant color I could find
In Harriman State Park
We went hiking, both yesterday and today despite a cold that's making me somewhat miserable.
And Michael took the pictures of the smooching deer aren't they cute?
Fall color
And me!
October 8, 2012
Well, we did it. On Saturday I got married. I got married! Michael and I got married last Saturday.
It was wonderful, just the close family, and we had a fabulous time.
I will just show pictures, and not write a moment by moment diary. The day was wonderful, the ceremony wonderful, and wonderfully old-fashioned, in a church, with a minister, with the old-fashioned words... till death do you part.
The celebration was terrific, good food, and a gorgeous cake baked by my daughter-in-law Sue.
Being with everyone was ... just awesome.
But I'll share pictures:
It was a wonderful day!
Wir haben geheiratet. Im engsten Kreis, nur Familie und hatten einen wunderschoenen Tag.
Meine Schwiegertochter Sue machte den Hochzeitskuchen, wir freuten uns riesig darueber. Es war wunderschoen!
It was wonderful, just the close family, and we had a fabulous time.
I will just show pictures, and not write a moment by moment diary. The day was wonderful, the ceremony wonderful, and wonderfully old-fashioned, in a church, with a minister, with the old-fashioned words... till death do you part.
The celebration was terrific, good food, and a gorgeous cake baked by my daughter-in-law Sue.
Being with everyone was ... just awesome.
But I'll share pictures:
It was a wonderful day!
Wir haben geheiratet. Im engsten Kreis, nur Familie und hatten einen wunderschoenen Tag.
Meine Schwiegertochter Sue machte den Hochzeitskuchen, wir freuten uns riesig darueber. Es war wunderschoen!
October 2, 2012
Fall and Celebration
The big lull before the big celebration. Not all set yet, going for the license today! Jitters? I'll admit to a little. Smallish crowd, just family. But just family ends up being around 30 people! That's not a small crowd!
The weekend was quiet. We did manage to go for a hike on Sunday, and it was lovely. Pictures? Oh, they are in the camera.... just a minute...
The weekend was quiet. We did manage to go for a hike on Sunday, and it was lovely. Pictures? Oh, they are in the camera.... just a minute...
M 'lifting' tri-pod rock
fall is starting
watching for hawks, eagles, you name it
making lunch
and .... Kermit? changing color for winter?
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