
March 9, 2012

Telephone toys

Good morning!  It's Friday, yeah!

My daughter got an award yesterday, and I am so proud of her!  She called me and told me all about it.  It's my daughter-in-law's birthday today, and I called her yesterday, thinking it was then.  I do that, I don't pay attention to the calendar at all.  So:  Happy Birthday, Sue!

Yesterday was warm, but very windy.  

I downloaded a new app for my droid, it's called FX camera, and I'm sure you droid/android owners all have it already, played with it, and un-installed it.  Well, it's new to me!

And I'm sharing:
The cat at work.  We think she's pregnant.

 The street at work.  Not impressive, I know - polaroid effect, and one can pick one's color, I think it's cool.
This one was this morning, I forgot the effect, storm clouds, which disappeared, over the pond.
 And without any effect, above is the antique wood mill from the outside.  I work in one side, in a small room, in the building
 And my christmas/lenten roses.  The above - I was going to say I got from my mother, but no, I didn't, I bought it here.  The one below I've had for many years and it blooms, and blooms, I love it!

1 comment:

  1. At least you remember when someone has a B-Day. I'm real good at forgetting! Have to giggle about your phone ap:) You'll have fun with that. I'm in the dark ages as far as phones go. Still have my TracFone but it works for me. Love your Christmas roses Ruth, very pretty. Have a great weekend...
