
January 27, 2012


Does anyone fix socks anymore?  I mean, I learned in elementary school how to.  Yeah, I know, totally little house on the prairie.  But we still had home ec, with mending, sewing, knitting, fixing things, etc.
So, anyway, to get back to the socks, no one fixes them anymore, right?  You just throw them away.

Well, it turns out our tastes got more expensive.  To go hiking in the winter, one wants to stay warm, and buying wool socks is part of staying warm.  They keep you warm, believe me!  But said socks are $10 and up a pair.  And if those socks develop a hole, you think twice about throwing them away.

So I remembered my elementary school skills and mend, see:

Not as pretty as I learned it, but it's fixed.  And no, I can't find sock darning thread in any Walmart anymore, this one is from a kit bought in Germany (probably from Tschibo), years ago.  And the only color left from the kit.  

Sometime soon I'll have to go back to Germany and see if they still make sock mending yarn (or I could google it, but that wouldn't be as much fun).
Back to MA, finish things up.
Next weekend?
MD and visiting with two cute, adorable little ones and their parents.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Hi Ruth! Finally doing some catch up on the blogs. Looks like you've been busy, as usual. Glad you got to go hiking again and how cool that you got the bird 'waving' to us:) And that you had the kids stop and let you know they're all safe. Smart move.
    Sorry about M's mom but it sounds like she was ready to go. Still, it puts an empty spot in your lives...
    My Oma :) taught me how to mend socks. She called it darning. And she had a darning egg..something she would put up inside the sock under where the hole was. She said you can use a lightbulb to do it also. I remember her using the same ball of thread she would crochet doilies with, the thicker kind. She would croak knowing how much good socks cost now:) I think you did a great job with yours! I'll send an email soon, just to chat. I've missed you...
    Have a safe weekend in all your travels and take pictures! xox

  2. Hallo Ruth,

    Du bekommst doch bestimmt irgendwo Sockenwolle. Naturfarben, von Regia, müßte es auch in USA geben. Oder Du kaufst sie hier in Deutschland.
    Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende, Ruthy

  3. Hier in Deutschland ist das Sockenstrick-Fieber ausgebrochen, alle mögelichen Blogs berichten übers Socken stricken.
    Dein Stopfarbeit sieht ja echt lustig aus. Da kommt endlich mal Farbe ins Spiel,lach.
    Von Tchibo also hast du das Stopfgarn. jo, die bieten ja ab und zu sowas an.
    Übrigens, bei meiner Tochter hat sich dramatisches getan, in der 28. Woche gab es einen Not-Kaiserschnitt!
    Bei mir zu lesen unter: Ganz klein
    Falls es dich interessiert....
    Liebe Grüße deine Bärbel

  4. Liebe Ruth, ich lese Dein Blog ungemein gerne (bin durch 356 draufgekommen und neugierig geworden) und schaue täglich nach - sofern sich das machen läßt. Besonders, seit mein Sohn seit Okt. in NY lebt und arbeitet. Du schreibst so aus einer positiven Grundhaltung/Grundstimmung heraus. - Allerdings liegt immer mein Engl.Wörterbuch daneben, und manchmal brauche ich meinen Mann zum Übersetzen, denn mir geht es mit meinem Englisch wie Dir mit dem Sockenstopfgarn...
