
August 12, 2011

Computer problems

My laptop is acting up.  Okay, it doesn't work.  'The screen goes black, and doesn't light up.  One of my friends gave me the name of someone who fixes computers.  The go-to-guy.  That's where the laptop will have to go.

Yesterday, on my way to work I ran into the deer family again.  The fawns were standing in the middle of the road.  I stopped beeped, and one of the fawns moved to the side.  Then the rest just stared at me.  I beeped again, and the 'mom' moved to the fawn in the street, and nudged it on the side.  It finally got the idea, and moved over to the other side of the street.  Well, at that point I had to wait for all of them to be on the same side of the street, because you know that's what they wanted!  Good thing this was in the neighborhood, where one has to go slow anyway.

Weekend you ask?  Busy again.  Back to Massachusetts, and then a visit in Connecticut to a 91 year-old friend who is sick  We love you, Teddy!


  1. Ich musste erst wieder schaun, was Fawn sind. Also eine ganze Reh-Familie, die dich aufgehalten hat, bzw. sie Straße wechseln wollte oder musste. Erinnert mich an die Pferde, die im Dartmoor auf der Straße standen um am Rand zu grasen....

    Wow 91 Jahre, ein gutes Alter und er schaut noch sehr rüstig und frohgemut drein. Hoffentlich kann er sich nochmal erholen....

  2. WOOT WOOT! Got the ability to comment again fixed...for now. I tried to comment on this post when you did it but...
    Anyway, how nice to visit an old friend, hope he gets feeling better soon. I love thid pics of him by the statues, where is it? And how funny that you have tamed deer! They just know who loves em:)
    Now I'll go read and comment more...
