
June 6, 2011


Over the long weekend we were in our nation's capitol.
The weather was perfect, it just turned from 90+ degrees and humid to something bearable and livable.
I got to see the First Ladies gowns again, and got to admire M. Obama's white Inauguration gown.  Gorgeous!  No, I didn't take pictures of it, it wouldn't have done it justice.
Among the highlights of the trip:
 yes, on the lawn of the WH
 yup, it is who you think it is
and that is me on the WH grounds
 Vietnam memorial
 cool shot at the right time of day - the capitol is 2 miles away, hard to believe
 Lincoln Memorial
and the boat just because it's beautiful - from Old Town Alexandria
The best part of the trip of course was this:


  1. Oh, what fun!!! And what a cute little picture with the babes:) I love all the changes in your life, live it to the fullest...

  2. Meine Liebe, vielen Dank für deine Tipps zu NY. Wir sind schon wieder daheim und fanden die Stadt einfach wunderbar. Über die Brücke sind wir auch, aber im offenen Doppeldeckerbus. Dank meiner Höhenangst, werde ich das nicht so bald vergessen. Mit der Fähre sind wir nach Staten Island gefahren, ach es war einfach herrlich. Bestimmt kommen wir bald wieder, dann mit unseren Kindern.
    Liebe Grüsse
