
March 6, 2011


Matthew is officially able to take communion from today on.  There was a little ceremony in church, and I was there with his family, and we had a small celebration in the afternoon.
 The children taking communion
 The proud (toothless) sister
 doesn't it look as if Evan is waving hello?
 I actually made it in a picture!

 No, baby is not drinking, it just looks that way
 Father and son playing Wii
I can't believe how big my first grandson is getting!
Love you, Matthew!


  1. Awwww, CUTE grand kids. With a CUTE Grandma:) Good to see you in a picture again! Have fun watching them grow up....

  2. Congratulations Matthew!

  3. Oh Erstkommunion mitten im Karneval, das ist ziemlich unüblich. Aber was solls, bei euch ist wohl alles anders, lach.
    Da hattet ihr ja ein schönes Fest.
    Herzliche Glückwünsche an Matthew ♥

    Liebe Grüße

  4. I love to see you in a picture and I love it to see how happy you are!!
    (Ruth- Du Nudel! NIE bekommt man Post aus Amerika, schon gar nicht ich!!)
    Thank you so much for sharing (and for the postcards!),
